Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Recap

We had an uneventful Halloween in our neighborhood last night. There was one point when I had raised eyebrows. I heard a siren close by and thought, "Oh, no!" It was the fire truck from our town going around, lights flashing, handing out candy. Just as I opened my front door to see what was going on, I heard a voice on the microphone say, "Happy Halloween, Everyone!" It was drawing kids like a magnet! I don't remember them doing that before. At Christmas, they decorate the truck and drive down the residential streets with Chistmas carols playing.

Most of the kids who came to my door were polite and said, "Thank you!"

Of course, Molly had to be right in the middle of things, with her tail wagging and her tongue ready to lick the face of any little kid she could get to!


  1. Aw, how cute. :) I am sure Molly would have taken on her guard dog job if anyone had shown any hostility to you.

  2. Halloween was a complete non-event here...but then it usually is :0)
    Molly had a great time ,lol..


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