Saturday, August 31, 2024

The drawer underneath your oven

I didn't know this!  That drawer underneath your oven is not meant to store pots and pans.  In fact, storing plastics or other flammable materials can be dangerous.

It actually is intended to keep food warm until everything else is ready to serve.

Another reason for not storing pots and pans there is crumbs or tiny food particles left on them can attract pests.

Some newer range models place the broiler down there.  That would not be desirable to me having to get down on my knees to take a platter of food out!

My current stove does not have a bottom drawer and I was disappointed with that.  For my needs, I can't see the value of the warming drawer!   

Monday, August 26, 2024

The joy of smoking meat

Smoking meat is my passion.  For many years I wanted to try it but was put off by the unreasonable belief that it was difficult.  Ten years ago I decided I was going to learn how to do it, no matter how many pieces of meat I ruined in the process.   Poking around on the internet, I decided the Weber Smokey Mountain smoker was probably best for me.

I amazed myself that I could actually assemble it all by myself!  I started out with all the pieces spread out on my living room floor.  It was much easier than I expected.  With the dogs looking on, I took it one step at a time and soon it was standing - fully assembled - in my living room.

After ten years of smoking all kinds of meat - whole chickens, a roast, baby back ribs, even briskets - I am proud to say I have never ruined any meat!

There is nothing finer than sitting beside my smoker, enjoying the warm, sunny weather and watching the puffy white cumulus clouds above in the blue sky with a glass of wine and the dogs running around the backyard.  Oh, and the aroma coming from the smoker is divine.  I buy my wood chunks online from a very reputable company.  They store their wood indoors, away from the bugs and other undesirables that can infiltrate the wood.

Whenever anyone asks me about getting into smoking meat, I am more than happy to oblige!  Meat coming out of the smoker not only tastes delicious, it is so very tender.

There are all kinds of smokers on the market.  I am a strong - very strong! - advocate of the Weber Smokey Mountain.  It has worked well for me.  Many smokers on the professional circuit choose the WSM.  I now have two, my original one is the 18 inch (diameter) and a few years back I got the 22 inch.  I believe a charcoal type is the very best for flavor and wouldn't have an electric or pellet for any reason!  Admittedly, those types do have their proponents.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Retail has changed over the years

I'm old enough to remember when you put on your best clothes to go downtown shopping.  You could even find street parking close to the stores you wanted to go to.  Stores had high quality merchandise and knowledgeable sales people.   For children, like me, there were street vendors selling all sorts of wind up toys that I still remember playing with hours on end.

Then downtown entered a decline and the malls, out in the suburbs, became the go to place to shop.  From one parking lot, you could shop a multitude of shops.  One such mall opened in my hometown of Pensacola, Florida.  As part of the grand opening, three Shetland ponies were given away in a drawing.  I was 10 years old and dreamed of owning my very own horse!  Every time we went to the mall for weeks, I would fill out a card with my name and address and drop it in the large wire basket in each of the stores. The day of the first drawing, I had a strong feeling, that to this day, I cannot explain.  I just KNEW my name was going to be drawn.  It was!!!

For decades, the malls became bigger, more glitzy, and THE place to shop.  Why would we ever want another alternative?

Enter the internet.  I remember struggling to learn to use it, wondering what is the big deal?  How is this going to make my life better???  What does online shopping mean?  What are blogs?  What does facebook mean?  What is an e-mail?  What does "point and click" mean?  Pay bills online?  How do you do that???

Today we find many vacant malls, totally abandoned, or headed in that direction.  They are being repurposed.  In my city, Marketplace Mall, once a thriving, bustling place, has many empty store fronts.  What used to be Sears, is now the Orthopedic Center for the University of Rochester Medical Center.  At the other end of the mall, once stood Sibley's, then it was Kaufmann's and then Macy's.  All of those are history.

Like many of us, I prefer online shopping.  I can sit in the comfort and privacy of my home and browse dozens of sites, any time of the day or night.  Online retail has become very convenient.  Quick delivery times and easy returns if need be.  Who among us has never shopped dozens of times from Amazon, L. L. Bean, and all the small businesses that have popped up?  

Kind of makes you wonder what is next on the horizon!

Sunday, August 11, 2024

I'm on a Greek food kick!

I love to cook and try new cuisines.  Somehow I never got around to trying Greek food.  Man!  What an exciting array of dishes.

I discovered Diane Kochiles' "My Greek Table" cookbook, filled with 400 pages of truly wonderful recipes.

Suddenly, my once favorite Spinach omelet has become boring after her zucchini omelet filled with fresh dill, lemon zest, feta cheese and yogurt.  And her Spanakopita Grilled Cheese is a taste delight.  There are dozens of recipes that I am anxious to try.

I'm in heaven!