Monday, June 17, 2024

On Tupperware

Okay, so I'm showing my age. . . that's okay.  At one time, Tupperware was a prized possession in every kitchen.  I still have - and use - several pieces from "way back", okay, I'll be honest. . . in the early 1970's.

Then I noticed some years back that the price of Tupperware had risen substantially.  Without realizing it, I went from buying Tupperware to Rubbermaid and then silicone. . . much cheaper and good quality, long lasting products.  I once thought nothing would ever replace metal collanders.  I now have a great set of three silicone collanders in varying sizes that I use all the time.  They collapse for storing.

Today I noticed on a news website that Tupperware is closing its last US production plant and moving everything to Mexico.  That, alone, would stop me from buying Tupperware.  But then I went on the Tupperware website, something I haven't done in quite a few years.  Have you looked at the current array of products???  The few items I might consider were way overpriced.

It's sad, really. Tupperware was the Gold Standard at one time.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

A kickstart to meal planning

It's a sad state of affairs when I claim to have the largest cookbook collection in the world - well into three figures - and I get in a rut with eating.  I have a handful of recipes that I like and are healthy eating and sometimes I tend to make those my go-to choices.  Nothing wrong with that except that the need for variety in my life has gotten trampled on!

So before going to Wegmans today, I sat down to go through cookbooks and recipe binders to look for other recipes to make this week! Now I am excited about lunch and dinner time this coming week!

There are the Quesadillas from one of my binders.  Tortillas, mozzarella, sliced avocado, kalamata olives, and hot sauce.  That's a recipe I wrote down some time ago but never made.

Then there is a pasta salad recipe I haven't made in awhile.  Cooked pasta, cucumber, tomatoes, green onions, Italian seasoning, combined with Italian salad dressing. 

I also grabbed sliced ham and American cheese to make grilled ham and cheese sandwiches.

Like most everyone else, I believe in healthy eating that tastes great too.