Forever Rely On God
Time for a change. I'm going to focus on my love of writing. Don't expect a novel, just whatever is in my heart. Look for anything from something that happened years or decades ago to a thought or sight in current day. . . sometimes heartwarming and happy, sometimes a look at the obstacles we all face. Hope you like my new venture.
I'm a mentally strong person, capable of overcoming those roadblocks everyone deals with from time to time. But the last week threw me into a tailspin.
I will be taking a trip in a few weeks and made my airline reservations months ago to get a better price versus waiting till closer to the trip. When I tried to access my airline app to get information I needed to reserve a car rental at my destination, the app would not accept my password. After several attempts to resolve the issue that got no results, I went on the airline website. When I couldn't do anything there, I clicked on the button asking for technical support. Thinking I was still on the airline website, I found a tech support chat line. The cost was $1.00 "fully refundable" the page stated. After a lengthy chat session with a person whose name indicated he was most likely not an American, I had gotten nowhere.
I felt I needed to walk away for a moment to clear my agitation. My next step to was to call the airline directly and speak with a live - English speaking - person. She was helpful and finally realized the page I had been directed to for tech support was NOT the airline page. She told me this airline would never direct a customer to another site other than their own. Now THAT really annoyed me.
When I checked my debit card account, I found this tech support operation had charged me $55.00, aside from the $1 I had expected, and furthermore this charge would recur monthly. At this point, I was beyond upset.
My bank told me that because I had used a debit card, I could not dispute the charge until it appeared on my account, not just a hold. Meanwhile, I discovered my laptop had been hacked. All manner of horrible thoughts crossed my mind. What personal information had this person found on my computer? Did they have access to my travel itinerary? I clearly was not thinking clearly and went into a state of extreme anxiety over this.
My bank suggested canceling my debit card and they would issue a new one with a new account number. Fine, but that could take days. I carry little or no cash with me, instead rely on my debit card.
I dropped off my laptop at a computer store that I have used before and know to be reputable. Yes, I had been hacked and it would be a 48 hour process to repair and since we were going into the weekend when they were not open, it added time to being without my computer.
Where does this all end? This just was not fair. I have always followed common sense procedures for trying to prevent things like this from happening.
In total despair, I turned to God. I am a strong Christian and my religion is a big part of my life. I asked God to help me through this problem and to bring me peace. Today things started to happen. My new debit card arrived by express shipment and I got my laptop back from the shop. I was able to access the airline app on my cell phone and change my password there. Thank you, God!
Ugh, it's March already and we are almost done with this harsh winter of 24/25. There was a time, in my younger days, when I loved winter in the North Country. I went downhill skiing, cross country skiing, snowshoeing. For many years, I spent a week in the High Peaks of the Adirondacks with friends. Those were the days! I've climbed several of the 46 High Peaks in the winter. There are so many memories from those days. But one I will cherish for the rest of my life. My friend, Nancy Lauterbach, and I spent a long weekend in the Keene Valley area of the Adirondacks. With the help of our Inn keeper, we left a car at our finishing point and she drove us into Lake Placid to the start of our day. We cross country skied the Jack Rabbit Trail all day long. I don't remember how many miles we covered. But I do remember it was one of the best winter days I have ever had. It was such a pleasant day on the trail, excellent snow and weather conditions. We stopped at a ski touring place for lunch and that hot bowl of chili was just what we needed on a cold winter day. We mostly had the entire trail to oursselves! In the afternoon a man and his Black Lab passed us. I don't know who was enjoying the trail more, that man or his dog!
Now that I'm older, well okay, I admit, I'm a "senior citizen," those things are in my past. I'd rather curl up on the couch with a good book or watch a movie, or any number of things that can be done in the warmth of my home!
Compared to the last several years, this was a particularly rough winter, temps well below average, strong winds, snow. . .
But now we are into March and even today's temps in the teens can't take away my excitement! Soon I will be firing up one of my two smokers to smoke a piece of meat. And my annual cousins' reunion isn't too far off. Bring on Summer!!!
I love smoking meat. . . been doing it for over ten years now and never ruined a piece of meat. Before I got into it, I knew nothing about it other than the wonderful meat you can get from smoking in your backyard. So I did my research and learned a lot.
I have always ordered wood chunks from an online retailer who was top notch. They had fruit wood that you can't find elsewhere. And their wood was stored indoors, eliminating piles of wood left outside subject to bugs, bird droppings, and other unpleasant situations. They are going out of business. The owner is retiring. Panic set in!
After searching online, I think I have found a reputable vendor. You can't stockpile wood for more than 6 months or so as it loses its quality in flavoring the meat.
I'm a fair weather smoker so over the winter - and this winter has been particularly harsh - my two smokers sit dormant. Hopefully in another month or six weeks I can fire up one of them. Nothing is finer than sitting outside by the smoker taking in the wonderful aroma coming from my Weber Smokey Mountain smoker! Even my neighbors enjoy the smell!
If you love great tasting meat - roasts, chickens, baby back ribs, briskets - get into smoking meat. It is easy and with just a little knowledge, you can experience the thrill of this hobby. And I highly recommend the Weber Smokey Mountain smoker.
Going through the Delta Sonic car wash in Rochester is an unexpected joy! Winter is hard on cars in the North Country. Salt is a necessary evil on the roads. It is needed on the roads to cut down on ice. But it is rough on cars, causing rust.
The Delta Sonic is a premium car wash. In addition to cleaning the car, they put a coat of wax to better preserve the metal. And they spray a rust inhibitor to the bottom of the car.
Today, with the long line of cars waiting to go through the 4 lanes, it took me a little over 10 minutes to reach the tunnel once I pulled off the road. Approaching the tunnel, you make sure all windows and doors and securely closed, take your foot off the brake, and put the car in neutral. Then you sit back and enjoy the show! The sights and sounds can lull your mind into a sense of peace. I find myself, for the moment, forgetting about the rat race of the world.
Someone recently asked me if I had every taken my dog through the car wash. No! Not sure how Bailey would react! She may settle down for a nap, or she could go nuts over this new experience!