Wednesday, July 18, 2012

We're sweltering up here!

Yesterday the temperature in Rochester reached 97 degrees, the highest for this day in over 100 years.  This morning, at 5:00 am, my outdoor thermometer says it is already more than 75 degrees.

Thank God for air conditioning!


  1. Erk ! I hope your Summer isnt a sign of what we will be in for Sherry..Im loving these Winter temps right now :0)

    1. There is a drought in over half the US. We have hot summers here in New York State, but this is ridiculous! But as much as I complain, I much prefer the heat of summer to the bitter cold of winter!

  2. stay cool. It finally got below the upper 90's with temps in central IND of 80 today. Yay!.

    I'd take cold over heat any day. Keep Molly comfortable and take good care of yourself!! Don't overdo.


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